Newsletter 4 | 2022

It's almost time for a summerbreak! We are going on holiday from 25 July untill 12 August. We will be back on Monday August 15. The piling rig will be built after the holidays. Until then, it is still quiet on the construction site.

In the background we are busy with various preparations. You can find us in the green-purple construction site on the bicycle path between the Beneluxlaan and Zeehaenkade. After the holidays, we cover the construction fences with fencing cloths. We do this to stop dust that may be released during our work as much as possible. 

Happy Holidays!
On behalf of team Concorde from ERA Contour, we wish you a very happy holiday!

Enjoy the sun, sea, beach, forest, holiday home, hotel, camper, tent or just in peace (without construction noise) at home.

Bekijk ook

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Team Concorde

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