Newsletter 2 | 2022

This will happen in the coming time
In the previous newsletter we told you that the demolition company expected to be finished with the demolition of the current Beneluxstaete building before Christmas. As you can see, it's not that far yet. Unfortunately, the asbestos removal and clearing of the building took longer than expected. However, there are temporary fences around the entire building, and the construction shed has been placed. At the moment, we are still working hard on clearing the building and preparing for the actual demolition of the building.

We expect that the demolition company will be able to start demolishing the building next week, in the week of February 14. This is done with a demolition crane with a very long arm, which squeezes the building from top to bottom into small pieces. This is expected to take about two weeks. After that, the current fences will be replaced by new fences that are also partly fixed in the ground. This reduces the chance of blowing over. These fences will remain in place until the new construction is completed. We expect the new fences to be installed in the week of March 7. Shortly afterwards, there is also a porter on the construction site, who guides the trucks to and from the construction site and who monitors the logistics and safety around the construction site.

This is an example of how demolition will look like.

In the week of March 21, we expect to be able to start drilling the piles into the ground. Together, these bored piles form the stable foundation on which the buildings can be built. The big advantage of these bored piles is that you experience less noise nuisance than with traditional piles. Instead of the dull blows of a piling rig, a tube is drilled into the ground with bored piles, which is filled on site with concrete, creating a pile.

The drilling work of these piles is expected to take approximately 10 weeks. So as it looks now, all the posts will be in the ground at the beginning of June. When that happens, we can install the sheet piling in the ground and then really start construction. We will inform you again by then.

You can notice this from our work
The demolition of the Beneluxstaete building is done by a crane with a large clamp. You can experience noise nuisance from this. After the building has been demolished, the rubble is reduced in size with a so-called rubble crusher. This causes vibrations and noise. The demolition company expects to need about a week for this work. In addition, more and more trucks will be driven to and from the construction site in the near future, because more and more work is taking place. Our suppliers and subcontractors use the fixed route to and from the construction site. The entrance and exit of our construction site is located at Vliegend Hertlaan. The only noise nuisance that you can expect from the drilling of the piles is the noise of the machines that are running and the concrete trucks that drive back and forth every day to deliver concrete.

We will keep you informed
After this newsletter, we will inform you about our activities via the website Here you will find regular updates about the construction and the possible nuisance you can expect from this. You can also leave your email address on this page and you will be automatically informed. Our main constructor Cor Stokkel is present at the construction site from Tuesday to Friday. Do you have questions? Feel free to visit our construction site, he will be happy to answer your questions.

ERA Contour is affiliated with Bewuste Bouwers
It is good to know that we are affiliated with Bewuste Bouwers ( This means that we apply rules of conduct aimed at limiting the nuisance to the environment of a construction site as much as possible. If you nevertheless experience nuisance, you can always report this via the Bewuste Bouwers website or via TBI Direct on telephone number 0900-8243473.

Bekijk ook

Uw contactpersoon

Team Concorde

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