A first update

A newsletter about the new construction project
Soon we, from building company ERA Contour, will start working on the new construction of the Concorde project in your area. And because we are guests in your area, we would like to introduce ourselves properly. We do that with this newsletter. From now on, we will keep you regularly informed via the website about what is happening around the new building and what inconvenience you can expect from this.

This is Concorde
On behalf of developer DUQER, ERA Contour is building the Concorde new-build project in sub-area 6 of the Merwedekanaalzone. The existing Beneluxstaete office building on Eendrachtlaan 10 is making way for 2 residential buildings with a total of 215 apartments. A beautiful 16-storey residential tower and a lower square-shaped residential building of 7 floors with courtyard garden. There will also be 82 parking spaces in a semi-sunken parking basement. The apartments are available for rent. More information about this will follow at a later time via the landlord. Completion is planned for the end of 2024.

ERA Contour builds Concorde
Because we will soon start with the first work, we would like to tell you who we are.

At ERA Contour we develop, build and maintain homes. We do this with our head and with our heart. We look further than just beautiful homes of good quality. All employees of ERA Contour work from passion. Their passion for the city, the neighborhood and the residents. Because if the current and new residents are happy in the neighborhood where they live, then we are happy!

ERA Contour is located in Zoetermeer. We are active in the Randstad, and just beyond. From Bergen op Zoom to Alkmaar. And soon at your place in Utrecht! We often work in the middle of the city. That means 'working on a postage stamp': with little space around the construction site and a lot of contact with direct residents. We look forward to working in your area and ultimately leaving it even more beautiful than it already is!

This is what will happen around the new building in the coming time
We expect to start preparatory work in the week of 11 October. You will see that the construction fences and a construction shed are being placed and that some soil is being excavated in various places. Within a few weeks we will start with the asbestos remediation and demolition of the current office building. This is done by demolition company Boverhoff from Heerde. The demolition company expects to need about 12 weeks for the remediation and demolition. The goal is to be ready before Christmas.

At the beginning of next year we will start with 'the real work': installing the sheet piling and the piling work. The sheet piling is necessary to keep the soil under and around the project in place and to keep the groundwater level in the area the same. The sheet piles are installed in the ground along the boundaries of the new building. Then we can continue with the pile driving work. This involves installing piles deep into the ground, which together form the stable foundation on which the buildings can be built. In the Concorde project we use bored piles. These are, as the term suggests, drilled into the ground. The big advantage of this is that you experience less noise nuisance than with traditional piles. Instead of the dull blows of a piling rig, a tube is drilled into the ground with bored piles, which is filled on site with concrete, creating a pile.

We expect to start installing the bored piles in mid-February. The drilling work of these piles is expected to take approximately 10 weeks. So as it looks now, all the posts will be in the ground by mid-May. Once that is done, we can start construction.

You can notice this from our work
From the moment the construction fences are placed, a number of parking spaces at Holland2Stay Flying Deer have been closed off. We need this space to get started safely. We have made agreements with Holland2Stay about this closure. When the asbestos abatement starts, you can see people in white suits passing by. They ensure that the asbestos present in the current building is removed in a safe manner, without health risks for themselves and the environment. When we start installing the sheet piles, noise and vibrations can be released. You may experience nuisance from this. We do our best to limit this nuisance as much as possible, but unfortunately we cannot prevent it. We hope you understand this. Fortunately, this work only lasts a few weeks. On the other hand, you probably will not notice much of the installation of the bored piles. The only noise nuisance you can expect from this is the noise of the machines that are running and the concrete trucks that drive back and forth every day to deliver concrete.

We will keep you informed
After this newsletter, you will receive one more newsletter from us. After that, we will inform you about our activities via the website Here you will find regular updates about the construction and the possible nuisance you can expect from this. You can also leave your email address on this page and you will be automatically informed.

ERA Contour is affiliated with Bewuste Bouwers
ERA Contour will soon start with the new building. It is good to know that we are affiliated with Bewuste Bouwers ( This means that we apply rules of conduct aimed at limiting the nuisance to the environment of a construction site as much as possible. If you nevertheless experience nuisance, you can always report this via the Bewuste Bouwers website or via TBI Direct on telephone number 0900-8243473.

Bekijk ook

Uw contactpersoon

Team Concorde

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