Newsletter 3 | 2022
We’d like to use this newsletter to inform you about the reason for the delayed demolition work and the activities you can expect during the forthcoming period.
Delayed demolition (clogged asbestos)
As you may well have noticed, the wrecker we have opted to use has suffered significant delays. The main reason for this delay is the fact that we’ve found up to twice the mount of asbestos expected in the building (due to be demolished) during the demolition activities. This resulted in a new asbestos inventory needing to be carried out twice, the demolition needed to be partly stopped and we needed to opt for a different demolition method.
The building had to be largely dismantled as a result of the additional investigations needed before the remaining concrete could be cut into pieces with the squeezer, instead of the demolition method originally envisioned. The Beneluxstaete building’s demolition work has now truly almost been completed. The building has been squeezed into pieces. The demolition company has promised to complete the demolition work during the course of next week, no later than Wednesday 6th July.
Imminent nuisance
We informed you that the required rubble crusher’s activities would start during the week of 13th June in the last newsletter/update. This ended up being a week later. The rubble crusher was delivered on Monday 20th June and our demolition company started pulverising and removing the rubble which is currently still on site. In view of the delayed delivery of the rubble crusher, our demolition company has promised to complete the remaining work in two weeks, rather than the three weeks initially quoted.
Our demolition company will be making use of the working hours the Municipality of Utrecht has allowed us to make use of, in order to dispose of the remaining rubble within the given time. These working hours are from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. These are longer working days than we normally adhere to during the construction period. We would usually work (under normal circumstances) until 5:00 pm during the construction period.
Construction work update
We talked about installing sheet piles in the last newsletter. This is now not necessary, as the groundwater level is currently lower than previously measured. An advantage for us, as it will allow us to start construction ahead of time and for you too, as it will eliminate a great deal of noise.
We will start with the real work, the piling work and subsequently the rest of the foundations from mid-July onwards. As you’ve undoubtedly read in our newsletter before, we use a vibration-free system for piling, which means residents can expect less vibrations and noise compared to traditional piling. However, setting up and dismantling the piling rig can result in some noise, but fortunately that will purely be a one-off at the start and finish of the activities.
But it goes without saying we won’t be sitting still until then. We’ll be preparing the site for construction next week, once the rubble has been taken away. We expect little or no noise nuisance during these activities.
Questions or nuisance? Please do let us know!
We expect to have completed our work in your area by the first half of 2024. We will be your guests (as temporary neighbours) until that time and we would very much like to be good neighbours and can assure you we will be taking this role very seriously.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you experience any nuisance and/or if you have any questions. Our implementation team will be present on site every day and our (own) employees can be recognised by their blue and white construction helmets with an ERA Contour / TBI logo.
Easily report a complaint online
However, should you be in any way hesitant about approaching us direct, or if you simply don’t have the opportunity, you can always use the 'Bewuste Bouwers’ complaints portal. This is the direct link to our project:
Any complaints reported via the above link are sent directly to us (Concorde team) and we can respond faster than to a complaint which comes in via our office.